The 2 Sides (2012): The Third Side


The Third Side - one of the tracks I liked the most in the original disc.

Its story is actually simple. After deciding that the original disc would be about life and death, I wrote about a pre-life stage, called "The third side", making a pun of the disc's title, "The Two Sides" (life and death).

When I started to remake the disc, "The Third Side" came in the middle of this new production. I wanted to correct some mistakes of the original version. I made a new first take, but it had recording problems. David confirmed this, but I left it there, without fixing it. In one of the last stages of the disc's production, I sang it again, with better software, so it became much better.

One of the very last things I did to the disc, was to match "Parody of the existence", with this song, at its start.


After God leaves us, some time passes, and a new soul finds itself in the middle of nothing. An unknown entity welcomes the soul, presenting it "The third side" - a phase that appears before life. This entity prepares the soul to what is about to come, naming the two next sides - life and death.


Welcome to the third side,
I think this wasn't in your mind
The third side, yeah, it does exist,
it has always been here

And what do you think about this?
You may ask, what it is?
I can't tell you, you'll have to guess
There's a clue: you're not alive nor dead

The third side, where you are, man
Is a place which is both cool and warm
And you'll see fantastic people from all around
Which haven't been alive and also haven't died

And why are you here?
That's a question full of mystery
I don't know, you wanna know?
Do I know the answer? Oh, no, no

Soon you'll go to the first side
Where is all the people alive
And then you'll go to the second side
Where is all the people that have died

The third side, where you are, man
Is a place which is both cool and warm
And you'll see fantastic people from all around
Which haven't been alive and also haven't died

The third side, where you are, man
Is a place which is both cool and warm
And you'll see fantastic people from all around
haven't been alive and haven't died

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh....

The third side, where you are, man
Is a place which is both cool and warm
And you'll see fantastic people from all around
haven't been alive and haven't died

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh .... Third side, the third side, the third side...

Technical stuff
Lyrics and production by James Castells.

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